If you're reading this post odds are you already know that I will be heading to South Korea (Ulsan, South Korea to be precise) for a years length. So my departure date is scheduled for the 13th of November and I will start my teaching at the GnB English Institute shortly after.
So a lot of you have been asking why South Korea or if I know that they don't speak Spanish in South Korea. In response I would say yes, I know they speak Korean and no, I don't speak any Korean, apart from the word chuk-gu which means soccer. I chose South Korea for a myriad of reasons which I will explain briefly. I felt like changing things up a bit and having already been to Latin America a couple of times and while I'm sure I'd like another trip to South America, I kinda already know what I would be getting into. Furthermore, most Latin American countries require some certifications to teach in those countries and they try to keep the paying positions for their countrymen while South Korea has such a great demand for English teachers that they'll practically let a 3rd grader from the U.S. go teach them English, well not exactly but you get the point. Plus, they have individual karaoke rooms at bars, some kind of vodka drink called soju and their national dish is stinky, fermented cabbage called kimchi, what's not to love?
With my upcoming departure, I've decided to start up a blog to share my experiences as opposed to just sending out massive e-mails every week. I intend to post something on a weekly basis and possibly post some smaller posts as they come to me. So lets get this straight, I post weekly and you the reader will never respond or comment, I will in turn get frustrated and wonder why I even write it but will eventually write because I enjoy doing it (can you tell I've done this before?). And while my departure is still a couple of weeks away, I will try and blog a little before I go just to share my pre Korea experience.
So how are things going with my preparation so far? Well lets see my apartment is a complete disaster zone and nowhere near ready to be vacated in the upcoming weeks, I have lots of ends to tie up at my current place of employment and my current knowledge of Korean consists of one word. Simply awesome. Needless to say I have my work cut out for me and will be at it like crazy for the next couple of weeks..... Until next time....
New Year, New Blog
14 years ago
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