Thursday, December 11, 2008

Small Random Things

I know I practically wrote a novel last week, so I'll try and keep this brief.

Point #1: Looking for personal photographer, pay is little but you get to kick it in South Korea, drink some soju and eat some bulgogi. All joking aside, I feel like I've seen a lot (and there's so much more to see) and I think to myself "I should take a picture of this and put it on the blog" and then realize I left my camera at home. I'm not used to having a camera so that will be my excuse for the moment, but I apologize to you, the reader for robbing you of the whole experience.

Point # 2: Did you know they have Negra Modelo in Korea? Neither did I until I did some snooping around in the local E-Mart (Korea's version of Wal-Mart). Interestingly, they don't sell it in a 6 pack, 12 pack or any other kind of pack yet individually.

Point # 3: Girls in go-go outfits singing karaoke outside stores. This was really big outside department/appliance stores when I first got here but most have slowed since it's gotten pretty cold. I thought I couldn't rob you of this so I took an 8 sec video shot of this but didn't want to do it anymore cause I felt really weird about. Enjoy!

Point #4: The other 2 pics are of these little fried pancakes this one family sells on the street. They have this little hazlenut type filling inside, it's soo ridiculously good. And for less than 50 cents a pop, you can't go wrong.

Lastly, I plan on taking a trip to Busan to celebrate my friend Maribeth's birthday this Saturday, and I probably won't get around to posting until maybe Monday night or Tuesday at best, so be patient and some crazy adventure will probably post up by then. Until then.......

1 comment:

Cindy Sue said...

Can you mail me one of those sweet pasteries?!